Saturday, July 11, 2009

72 Dogs, Child Found In Feces-Filled Home

Mother Charged With Unlawful Neglect

A Greenville woman was arrested after deputies found her 13-year-old son in a home with 72 dogs and puppies, with animal feces up to 2 in. deep in some rooms, according to deputies.

Another woman who was at the home is facing animal cruelty charges....

Deputies spoke with a resident of the home, 38-year-old Mickey Andrews, and learned that she lived in the house with her 13-year-old son...

When deputies entered the home, they saw animal feces scattered over the floors and piled in corners. They said, in some rooms, the animal feces "covered the floors" and was "piled 2 in. high."

Bob Mihalic, with the city of Greenville, said that another woman at the house, Loretta Cody, claimed ownership of the animals...  More & video