Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cluttered lives: Hoarding can be treated


Empty pizza boxes. Candy wrappers. Junk mail. These items and the like often become just a portion of the piles of trash that clutter - and often inhibit - the lives of those with a psychological disorder that may be more widespread than you think.

Hoarding has spawned at least two television shows, one of which is the popular A&E documentary series "Hoarders." A psychiatrist at the Orangeburg Area Mental Health Center says such shows are hopefully pointing those suffering from the disorder in a helpful direction.

"I'm hoping with all of those reality-based shows that some of them point to a message," child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Valarie Mosley said. "The episode of ‘Hoarders' that I did see was about them coming in and trying to help..." More

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