Dec 1, 2010: Police seize dogs again
SAN ANGELO, Texas — A San Angelo woman found guilty on two occasions of animal cruelty was arrested after city officials seized more animals from her husband’s apartment.
Brenda Luellen, 59, was booked into the Tom Green County Jail late Tuesday morning on a parole violation, jail officials said Wednesday. It is the third time animals were removed from Luellen’s or her husband’s residence.
Shelter director Julie Vrana said animal service officials picked up 11 Pekingese and shih tzus on Tuesday from an apartment complex in the 500 block of Paint Rock Road. Luellen’s husband, Arthur Kenney, was living at the residence. Vrana said the animals were under his direct care.
“We went out and looked at them and determined that we needed to seize these dogs,” she said. “They weren’t in the best of care.”..." More
July 24, 2009: Woman says from jail: ‘I just love taking care' of shih tzus
Brenda Luellen is not adjusting well to life in jail.
A month into her one-year sentence, Luellen, 57, spent a week in isolation in a medical cell. Inmates have picked on her, she says, and the cold in the jail makes her arthritic joints ache.
“I’ve never been so cruelly treated in my whole life,” Luellen said during a jailhouse interview July 8..." More
July 24, 2009: More charges filed in San Angelo puppy mill case By Jennifer Rios
Further charges have been filed by the city against a woman already charged twice and serving jail time in a high-profile puppy mill case.
Brenda Luellen, who was convicted last month on an animal cruelty charge dating to April 2008, pleaded not guilty Thursday to a health code violation and a violation of the city’s new pet ordinance in connection with other complaints filed in May.
Pretrial hearings are set for 9 a.m. Aug. 5, according to a municipal court official. Luellen, who was in jail and unavailable for comment, does not have an attorney listed to represent her in the new case.
A city legal official filed the complaints Wednesday, charging Luellen with keeping or harboring more than seven dogs without a valid multipet owner’s permit, which is a violation under a recently passed city ordinance. She is also charged with keeping animals in a place that is “filthy, malodorous or unsanitary.”
In May city officials removed more than 50 dogs from Leullen’s home on Kingsbridge Drive. Luellen’s jail sentence was imposed by County Court-at-Law Judge Penny Roberts for a violation in 2008.
This year’s charges do not take evidence from last year’s animal seizure into account, said Amie Hajovsky, a prosecutor with the city’s legal department. She declined to comment on the charges..." More
June 21, 2009: Woman gets year in jail on animal cruelty
The dogs were seized from the home of Brenda Luellen, also known as Brenda Kenney. The San Angelo Standard-Times reported that Luellen was cited this year for health violations and 59 dogs were removed from her home.
County Court-at-Law No. 2 Judge Penny Roberts ordered Luellen to pay more than $18,000 in restitution, which covered the care of the animals seized last year.
A volunteer with a Georgia-based rescue operation testified the animals had eye infections and fur matted with feces and urine.
Luellen said she had cared for dogs that were near death and brought them back. She has 30 days to appeal the judge's decision..." More
More on Pet-abuse
Pictured: Arthur Kenney & Brenda Kenney (Luellen)