Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Prevent Animal Hoarding

Deb Duxbury

Hoarding and caring for a large number of animals are two different sets of conditions. Many who work or volunteer to care for large groups of animals often stay quiet on the topic of hoarding for fear of being viewed in the same light. Their concern bears merit, as many who do not work or live in this type of environment may perceive only a fine line differentiating the two. However, when we breakdown each of these mindsets it becomes clear that in place of the fine line there is a chasm.

There are several theories about the psychology of animal hoarding. The one constant trait throughout is that a person puts the wants of the self over the needs of the animals. Regardless of the reason, hoarders are people who collect animals as items for their own sense of security, irrespective of the consequences. 

There are several easy ways to signify if animals are involved in a hoarding environment.
  • There are more animals than actual living space. These dwellings are literally overrun with animals and would be construed as having an "infestation" at first glance.
  • Hoarders do not place a value on training. There may be fecal debris throughout a dwelling or animals that behave in a feral manner.
  • Look for animals that are underfed, ill, or dead. Hoarders do not put a premium on regularly feeding animals, seeking out veterinary care for the sick, or burying the dead. It is more important for them to have their "collection" than to have concern for their actual condition. As a glimmer into this mindset, the simplest comparison would be to think about dusty knickknacks on shelves.
  • Hoarders may very well justify their actions under the guise of "caring for animals." Whether a hoarder’s mindset rationalizes the behavior in this manner or not, the key component remains that actions speak louder than words. The best of intentions are meaningless unless responsibly acted upon.
Because numerous hoarders proclaim they are caring for animals, people who actually are caregivers feel threatened by the comparison. Media misrepresentation has a lot to do with the misconception. Rarely do media reports give details on a hoarding situation in conjunction with proper care giving. This can leapfrog into a societal assumption that all people housing an abundance of animals are irresponsible. To properly administer care to numerous animals is work, whether compensation is involved or not. The primary difference between hoarding and care giving is accountability...."   More

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